FAQ: Frequently Asked Questions
What is plasterite ?
Plasterite is a method to create Life Force Energy.
It can be used for a lot of purposes.It restores natural balance/ energy
It is the same sort of thing as orgonite, it also by overcoming artificialness , like chemtrails.Mainly, nowadays, it is an efficient method against this Geo-Engineering
It makes the skies blue again, clean, gives back natural clouds, etc.
Plasterite uses only natural means and is therefor more in harmony with nature
the results are greater when using that method particularly.
How to make Plasterite ?
• Water
• Himalaya salt
• Plaster
• Sand
• Crystals ( optional )
Mix it in a bucket, first water, than salt, than plaster, than sand, poor it into a mould and put a crystal in the centre ,
use intention of what to accomplish. That´s it.Ask nature improve the good energy level in your surroundings.
If you use a mould you should put some oil in it first so it gets out more easily later on.Instead of a real crystal you can use cheap crystal powders, works great,or you can put the crystals in water and just use the water , the what is called homeopathic method.
So you can keep the crystals, even cheaper and yes, works just as well.
Some other ingredients are beneficial but not essential like seashells, seaweed, zeolite, etc etc.
What does it cost ?
Almost nothing.
What for ?
Removing chemtrails, making blue sky, nice weather, etc but it also effects people, animals, any life basically in a good manner.Things will change.
You have to try it for yourself to understand. I can only show you the door, you have to go through and learn .....cannot understand it for you
How to protect Plasterite?
Well, paint them, use shellac,put them somewhere so they don’t stand more or less dry etc, be creative.
Why we never heard of it ?
There is no money involved so who is going to address the topic ?
For how long has plasterite been around ?
A long time, the knowledge has been rediscovered several years ago,
by some folk who went to play with it , to see how it works.Orgonite plus.net is now no longer available
but the documentation/ development process / documenation has been saved
so you can go through that to get a clue of it all.
This plasterite is it just as strong as a Chembuster ?
No, it is stronger
What is a Blue sky broadcaster (BSB) ?
A method consisting of wrapping a long electric extension cord
around a tool of light,can be plasterite, can be metal resin,and put a device
for example ... a lamp on one end of the ext. cord and connect the other side to the grid.
This is a very powerful method.
They told me it´s all a hoax/scam ?
Therefor you cannot think for yourself and are a sheep.
They also showed me the "Kirlian photos" claiming it had not energy ?
Oh my god ....so you reall are a sheep !
What is Gifting ?
Making energy devices, tools of light, protecting the environment against chemtrailing and EMR and putting them all over the place.
Can I use Metals in Plasterite ?
No, better not, not necessary.
Can I use other natural ingredients like healing oils ?
.....The future of plasterite ?
In the hands of the individual.
What s the difference between metal resin and this tool of light ?
There are a lot of differences.
Read the documentation if you want to know all nitty bitty details.
They are a different species.
Like a beaver and a hawk.
So not appropiate to compare like that, apples and pears.
Who taught you all this ? How did you know it would work ?
To be honest, nobody taught me anything.Read about it , the basics, from orgoniteplusthe concept was too hard to grasp for most people at the start.So technical folk were needed too besides the healers to make it all accessible for the public.Yes results came in, big time. But I was still skeptical.There is nothing wrong with being skeptical.So I tested it myself and it went forward from then on.
Overwhelming power.
There is a lot of disinfo going on to keep folk out and distracted
so the only way to know is do it yourself.Won´t cost you much, results come in fast and in abundance.You will always ask yourself from than on "what took me so long..."
We often hear Plasterite is a sort of cointel thing ?
Yes we do hear that and THAT is cointel in itself.
So dont fall for the cone of those kirlian photos ok , please
Do your own research.
People should really start to think for themselves
Most cannot do that.That is sad but that is how it is.
Don´t let yourself be guided
Don´t be a fool
There are so many already.
No one should guide you
Do your own research
Come to your own conclusions.
Plasterite is now more done on a bare essential level
and seems to work just as well , is that correct ?
The more natural it is made , the simpler the materials, the better the intent, the better the results.
Yes it is that straightforward.
How do you see the so called established orgonite community ?
What do I see ?
I see
• Control
• Dogma
• Groupthink
• Obedience..etc, taken over basically, owned
most parts of the truth movement have been taken over , infiltrated more than you can imagine.
All "oneness" you see...
next question please......
Why did you make the website ?
Made the website for a lot of reasons.
First of all, maybe the most important part of it, it is truth.
Discussing this on such a level backed up with original documentationso I am not "making this all up" ,
it is there for you to look into, see how it all fits together.
Also to honour the folk who made it all happen and to make sure those who can handle it can find a good haven
to study the whole subject with solid proven facts and documentation, etc.
Recipes & Formulas
The most basic recipe Ingredients :
• WATER 1000 ml
• PLASTER 1000 ml
• SALT 2 large table spoons
• SAND about 25 % of total
More advanced recepies include :
• Crystals
• Semi Precious Gems
• Sea Shells
• Sea Weed
• Zeolite
and other natural ingredient that enhance esp. those from the Ocean.
for the slow of thinking , which is 99.3 per cent of the public now, it has to do with the Moon, Selene and therefor the Ocean
damn, I am giving it all way , all the secrets, pearls for the pigs...
Post by josh »
I just finish pouring Plasterite,
after having done a good bit of it for a few months,
this is where I am for my proportions
4 gallons of dry plaster
3 gallons of water
5 cups of sand
One cup of sea salt mixed with the water
Always add the plaster to the water.
It will be much easy to do half of the recipe because that quantity gave me a full 5 gallon bucket,
and it was VERY HEAVY, however this is what you need to pour a large traffic cone
As everything is mixing
I put in about one quart (one liter) of very small sea shell 3/16" to 1/4" long,
I feel that it help moving the energies in a perfect Phi.
When I first started adding salt, I thought it had to be a great deal more,
but it look like one cup (250ml +_) is enough
The plaster, as you mix it, will look very liquid, dont be fooled,
it will start hardening quickly even in your mix bucket,
so get everything prepare in advance before you start mixing
A soon as you pour your plaster in your mold
you must be ready to add whatever you want to add,
crystals, various stones, herbs etc...
Happy stirring
How I make plasterite....
Big bucket , load half way with ordinairy water, add some crystal influenced water
Add the Himalaya salt, stir well, so it dissolves, with a whisk...
Add the plaster, let it dissolve , before you stir, gently , add the good sand with gems, etc
you can use beach sand, but I dont have it so I use special mix of all varieties so it is a very diverse mixture
also pieces of quartz, etc.
When that is going on, I add one hand of crystal powder, if I have it I add one hand of Zeolite or Coccolite
or any other ingredient from the Sea, like Sea Weed ( Kelp )
Don t try to measure things too tight, not needed, just make a big bucket, say a few liters or so
Doesnt matter , it is cheap anyway, so dont bother too much, just make sure the ratios fit
The secret of plasterite is the Salt.
That kickstarts the whole energy into gear when combined/interacting with yjr selenite.
It is not black magic , it is, partly, science.
Although there is a lot more to it, yes a spiritual angle, but hard to talk about as that has been so degraded nowadays.
But you will find it out if you go on a journey.
Also a nice way is adding three cups of plaster , one cup of sand, etc.
You will notice when it thickens.
Put the mix into a shape, put some olive oil in the shape first ,
shape could be anything, use some simple things like cake molds or something
or if you want to gift anyway in old containers of soda bottles, whatever.
You can go wild with this is you are creative.
Plastic shapes , silicone, for the kitchen are best so are the traffic cones, they are perfect.
Wood is also perfect.
Glass is usually a bad choice.
Try it , you will see...
Anyway , I would use some crystals in a larger structure for personal use.
Rose Quartz too, if I can find it.
Four or five crystals usually in different sizes, one big one in the centre, and two smaller ones and some
crystal gravel to finish so you can broadcast lots of frequencies, feels better to do so, instead of one huge crystal.
Crystals are not essential anyway, without it works also.
Over time you learn to listen to intuition, this is very important, it is the key to further exploration of selenite.
FAQ Plasterite
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