Mon Jul 13, 2015 4:47 pm
Have to admit that without the Irish club I could not have done this
no way I could have done this, taken it all to this level.
That is simply impossible.Also most of them do not have any personal interest in metal resin , $$$$ orgonite, the old stuff
etc, so they progress fast and are not held back by those conflicting interests, etc etc.
They come down hard on Ireland and also other regions with resillient folk, like the Scotts
these people , a lot of them, simply wont bow down and bend over to the system.
That s why Ireland got their fluoridated water, to at least try to dumb them down
and grind them down, forcing them into the EU new Soviet system.
It s for sure not a mistake....Lots of good gifters in Ireland and Scotland too, also Australia doesnt do too bad in that field.
But generally I dont see too much of it in other countries of course there will be some silent horses here and know...
Have to say without the work of good men and women, you know their names by now, we would have had nothing.
So consider yourself very rich, rich in knowledge and rich in power.If that still does not ring a bell you d better get back to TV land ..
As recently stated the synchronisity these days is breathtaking, yes it is , it truly is.
For those who are capabel of still reason in freedom.Today I heard a nice story , some Irish girl sold some orgonite stuff and with the money she bought plaster bags, hehehe ah yes...the individual, boy they really cant stand us.
Also heard lots of other stories, good stories.
They got their stuff together over there.
The Irish Topic
Re: The Irish Topic is perhaps good to repeat things, as we are in this for a long time but not all are so it won´t hurt to bring to attention a few things
for example...
Sat Feb 21, 2015 9:15 pm
This would probably be a new topic ?
But it really really works, never thought it could be true
sounds so , I dont know, know
But, as I am doing plasterite , so I am dorky enough now, completely political incorrect, it does not matter , so I tried it and bam results came in
the energy savings, reduction of fuel , diesel, for the car is huge, about 25 % more or less, in that range
On the safe side I can assure about 20 per cent reduction in cost.
So you wont have to fill up the old war wagon so often.
Since I am using orgonite for that , just put some pieces in the motor compartement, the fuel tank seems not to go empty LOL
you will see
just try it, dont try to undestand everything from behind a desk or whatever , ok ?
do some real trial and action and see if you get results.
This also applies to your home, my energy bill has decreased by , gues what, paid attention ?
20 %
proof is black on white
that is what orgonite can do among many other more personal things
I only have plasterite , I dont possess metal resin, probably never will
see no reason to , to be honest with you.
I do however want an even more special tool of light, namely the life pillow, will buy one , hopefully
to be continued....
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Sun Mar 01, 2015 9:31 am
oh it is not just fuel...
it applies to all energy forms
so expect you heating bill to go down considerably
about 20 to 25 % , could be more , I dont know , as I only tested it for some months, not the whole year...
anyway, in my case it led to a refund of about 200 $
Just put the plasterite on your gas meter, etc etc
you will see..
and it is this box I put in the back, plus the little hearts in the front, engine
for example...
Sat Feb 21, 2015 9:15 pm
This would probably be a new topic ?
But it really really works, never thought it could be true
sounds so , I dont know, know
But, as I am doing plasterite , so I am dorky enough now, completely political incorrect, it does not matter , so I tried it and bam results came in
the energy savings, reduction of fuel , diesel, for the car is huge, about 25 % more or less, in that range
On the safe side I can assure about 20 per cent reduction in cost.
So you wont have to fill up the old war wagon so often.
Since I am using orgonite for that , just put some pieces in the motor compartement, the fuel tank seems not to go empty LOL
you will see
just try it, dont try to undestand everything from behind a desk or whatever , ok ?
do some real trial and action and see if you get results.
This also applies to your home, my energy bill has decreased by , gues what, paid attention ?
20 %
proof is black on white
that is what orgonite can do among many other more personal things
I only have plasterite , I dont possess metal resin, probably never will
see no reason to , to be honest with you.
I do however want an even more special tool of light, namely the life pillow, will buy one , hopefully
to be continued....
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Sun Mar 01, 2015 9:31 am
oh it is not just fuel...
it applies to all energy forms
so expect you heating bill to go down considerably
about 20 to 25 % , could be more , I dont know , as I only tested it for some months, not the whole year...
anyway, in my case it led to a refund of about 200 $
Just put the plasterite on your gas meter, etc etc
you will see..
and it is this box I put in the back, plus the little hearts in the front, engine
Re: The Irish Topic
Well myself and Helena decided that it was high time we painted our plasterite. It was too windy outside so we retreated to the glasshouse. So satisfying but I am absolutely exhausted now.
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Re: The Irish Topic
Tue Mar 24, 2015 4:19 am
What a great surprise ... appears Sunflower and Timo have been conspiring in the background ....
Received a parcel last week , just before my computer died ...all good now though .
Parcel was from Timo .... the German fellow who's been making plasterite forever .....inside was a beautiful cone and 5 little hearts.
Wow ... what a top shelf surprise ...... the cone stunning in it's simplicity.
Was difficult to put it down that first night.... the finish so smooth , shiny and energetic ...
the cone appears to have the perfect dimensions......would love a mould that shape for orgonite ....nice
Anyhows .... cheering you mob from Oz... .....appreciated for sure ....
Thanks ... Stephen
Wed Mar 25, 2015 9:54 pm
haha, yesssss... ah well, just a little treat as they say in was a little something , something on my mind, seeing connections seeing reasons seeing purpose
like a giant puzzle coming together , piece by piece , by honest work , I am really proud to have grown much bigger in awareness of so many things
thanks to this plaster orgonite and much much more, never thought it would go that far, really, there is more than just energy and blue skies etc, the whole scope of things grow larger alongside the person gradually.
Obviously it is not that easy , it is not nature or reality that is difficult it is us in a way , being so "molded" in our thinking etc
we can hardly catch on to it all, the truth is all around us, we just have a hard time digesting it all into manageable packages of understanding.
So yes, had a little chat and get the mother of all energy cones...we all know it is not always easy to do what is right, there are disadvantages from many sides but there are rewards also, it is a choice one must choose. Personally I am open to anything, I don't mind what folk use, but that sort of liberalism is not so common. I reap the rewards every day, I always say , it gets the job done, goals are being reached.
Although known and popular in healing circles, the general public is not ready for it as we know.
conspiring...hmmm.... hahah yes.......just a sign to show appreciation , won t hurt...
came as a surprise and it took a lot of guts to approach T personally with such a request...
but I thought if I dont do it now when I feel the need to do so, when will the time come to do so ?
Sometimes one has to rise to the occasion as they say and just go for it
Also very special or funny to notice he got me right away, understood it before I said anything
Make it happen and have no second thoughts if one knows it is the right thing to do.
even though we are usually to stubborn and modest for that sort of "red carpet " thing
we don't need much you know, that s the way we are, we don't need much of this world
Just a sign to show you are someone who doesn't just do the talk like most but also do the walk
and share information for others to learn, things that work, in all fields actually, as there is not so much of that sort of solid stuff floating around
anymore it has a high value.
Last week I had a doctor on visit, a young female doctor from the netherlands , just someone I know, to make a long story short the first thing
she mentioned later on to me, as I was just a bystander so to speak, where is the little cone with the seashells?
I thought, say what, yes that little cone it was special with sea shells and special things , so she felt the vibes, it was my Josh cone, a very special one
very strong, she simply bypassed the big cones completely , but it was gifted....
I tried to offer her one of your little phone buttons, you know, but she said hmmm hey ..I dont want that thing on my phone
it looks a bit odd, etc..but she accepted it anyway tried to explain things like EMR and the rest of it but she said she did not "believe" in that ...
I thought that was the end of it..... but later the wife said she saw her having put that thing on the pouch of her mobile before sleeping and keeps doing thatn every day she was here
even when she woke her up in the morning the purple phone button was there
so now she is in Amsterdam and that phone button keeps doing what it does best , to protect.
Every day
But she did not "believe " in it LOL
she just knows she feels better with that orgonite piece mitigating the nasty effects of her cell phone
yes she is one of those who keeps that thing on the nightstand
oh boy..
oh she knows and feels it works and all of that but it is not hard for someone who is academically eh..."abused" to admit to that sort of thing.
She admits she feels much better , but for those who wait for her to admit that publicly having anything to do with that purple metal resin goodie..well they have to wait a long time... has to be patient with them...give them time and don't force things
just the same with all those other things as plaster orgonite or life pillows etc etc
give them time
to find it out for themselves in their own pace
don't force it or they will go overboard and reject the whole thing altogether
so now she does not "believe" in life force energy but she guards the phone button like a mother hen....
These are all just simple real life stories one will encounter once on this path of interesting things and happenings.
Well, one way or another we have to keep the energy floating, making folk aware as most are so caught up in the "rat race" out there
Even or maybe because of being individuals we can do a lot , more than we ever thought of
Despite everything that is thrown at new techniques you also taught us to endure , hold ground and stick to facts
I know a lot of folk will never go online just because of that, the attacks,ridicule, political correctness etc
But we are some years further now and the results are solid and prove themselves
One must be altruistic, in the real sense, overcoming fear, anger, frustration of what s going on This is not something one can do after just waking up, it takes time before coming into bloom
to flourish Even though new knowledge and experimentation is going on with things like the life pillow etc
what a massive thing that is eh ??
hahaha it is wonderful it is also very powerful
I do admit I use too much of that mixtures
a cigarette box shaped size would be sufficient but I like it zoom a bit more just for personal entertainment hahahaa
just the breeze what a winner
I am sure there is a level of science not for the public that knows all this , I also think after some searching it is ancient knowledge
it is just not given to the "commoners" , yep that s us
I am aware there are more procedures to be used, different materials, stone mixture and what s called " Natron" what we call Salt
in certain quantities to create what the ancients called " energy stone" but all these ways tend to be more expensive or complicated so I just stick to the Plaster of Paris with the rest of it to gain similar results.
ah it is all out there for those who start searching for it
it is not mystery or magic or super secret, it is just hidden
like so many things beneficial to us
As the readers have noticed by now, we are not trying to force anybody into any opinion, we leave opinions to where they belong , to the individual.
Personally it would please me more to see if the Life Force Energy community, for lack of a better word, would cooperate more but that sort of thing is obviously not stimulated by the other forums out there
so be it
How most forums out there keep parroting the same mantra over and over again, or their leaderships that is to be more accurate.
If you pay even more attention you might see that those who dared to go there, to new techniques all met up finally on that orgonite plus forum eventually
as that simply was the only way to get the word out
avoiding collisions with business interests....
some prefer to stick to the old paradigm as it suits financial purpose
some dont
the main thing is , again, if you really want any truth , you have to find it , do it, yourself
let no one guide you or control you
yep, it s that simple
Agreed it was a difficult jump forward for most folk, into the unknown and not allowed but it works out superbly
so...there you go
most folk are trained to listen to experts nowadays, TV, etc
cannot reason anymore , expect the TV to do their reasoning for them
anyway it s not a scam ... besides that s the governments job , they are good at that
grabbing your money and flogging you into obedience , you know.. proper perceptions, the right ones...
here facts are presented
Junior Member
Join Date: Jun 2010
Posts: 7 Default
I believe a particularly good dowser posted the bovis tests of a plasterite piece or two on another forum, either WM or OP. Not sure which one and if the post is still there.
Since plasterite is not widespread, naturally testing reports are harder to come by but because I am still a human with a left brain, I would also love to see testing as well. Will it perform in the same tests as orgonite? Keep in mind, in the beginning, no one knew exactly how to test orgonite other than with psychic sensitivity. Positive physical effects in experiments came gradually as people tried different experiments.
Will plasterite get the same effects in tests as orgonite? Without knowing the answer, I already doubt it since they are two completely different things. That does not mean I believe one is "better" than the other or that one is good to replace the other. They each have their own set of strengths and I would not encourage anyone to turn their backs on one for the other. If a person carries a peice of dark green tourmaline for its inherent properties, I would not tell them to replace it with a piece of moldavite. BUT, if I liked moldavite, I would definitely tell them they should check it out sometime at their leisure.
In sensing energy, as I have come to learn, is not one size fits all. I mean that because I learned to be sensitive to the feeling of orgonite, does not necessarily mean that I am not sensitive to all energies of all things. Like, I know that all rocks, minerals, etc have an energy signature but because i personally cannot sense the energy of a piece of limestone, does not mean it is not there. Some people may have a strong resonance with the limestone vibration. I have noticed that when I cannot readily fee the energy of objects/light tools/crystals/etc, that if I keep trying and tuning in, and setting my intention to tune into it, then eventually I will learn to sense and feel the energy. It didn't mean it wasn't there, it means I was not resonating with it at first.
Grab yourself an electrical meter and hold it up to a piece of orgonite. See the electromagnetic field? Hold an electrical meter up to a piece of plasterite. What do you see? Let me guess - is it nothing?[/quote]
Are you serious? Can orgonite really be measured with an electrical device??? I have read over and over on WM that no one has been able to use any kind of electric meter device to measure orgone or orgonite (other than kirilian photography). Any special instructions? What type of meter? I would love to try this.
Things are speeding up, quickening, vibrations are raising, new technology comes on line all the time. We can be luddites (which I am myself one in regards to certain technolgies) or we can roll with the times continuing to explore, create, and try new things. With plasterite, it is cheap to make so if a person tries it and doesn't like it, they have not lost much money. Also, plaster will dissolve in water and is easily to carve so it can be deconstructed easily and the crystals salvaged, or can be recycled into an artistic sculpture. It is not as if anyone was encouraging the public to shave their heads and get tattoos all over their faces! Lighten up, it is ALL about love!!!!!!!!!::
Join Date: Jan 2010
Posts: 67 Default
Antony 1965, I thank you with the research you are doing, and that had me concerned for a moment, so I took some of the older pieces I had made about eight month ago and tested the energies given by the devices, and I found them to be not only acceptable but quite strong, so I do not know what give, I am having someone else test those pieces, but it will take a bit more time for these results.
Are you aware of more people experiencing this problem?
One thing I must make clear, Plasterite is not Orgonite, it does not work in the same way, but produces similar results and more, and calling 'Plasterite the other Orgonite' might offend some cultish feelings, but cannot make an omelet without breaking some eggs.
At this point I have changed the formula for making the Plasterite and the readings are even more energetics, I know this is a very big threat to the Orgonite vendors that make a living with the Orgonite, since this Plasterite can be made so easily by anyone with hardly any expense, so I can well understand the push to discredit something that would collapse the means of having a business.
If you are sensitive to energy would you test something that has me and a few other folks concerned, it look like the energy of the Orgonite is going down, and I do not know what to think about it unless those nefarious parasites have found a way to slow it down, very concerned about this.
So Anthony, I appreciate your efforts to look into this, let us know if you find something else
Thanks a bunch
Last edited by lastc; 02-07-2010 at 06:18 PM.
Old 04-07-2010, 06:32 PM #66
Junior Member
Join Date: Jun 2010
Posts: 7 Default
Quote from lordzoma:
“I have no need to provide proof to anyone else because I'm not attempting to prove anything. I am simply telling people the way it is based on my own experience and my own perspective. If someone else 'needs proof' of something, it is up to them to either find it or ignore their need for it to be able to make an alteration to their paradigm of belief. Proof is in personal experience. One man's word is proof alone.”
Yet you are asking for proof, are you not? And what is lastc, monsoon gecko, Tony, etc, giving you in their own testimony? They are giving you their “own experience and [their] own perspective”. If you need proof that plasterite feels good then it is “up to [you] to either find it or ignore [your] need for it to be able to make an alteration to [your] paradigm of belief….and I LOVE these quotes from you—“Proof is in personal experience” (but have YOU ever experienced plasterite up close and personal?), and “One man’s word is proof alone” (yet you ignore the word of 3 men who have posted on this forum and instead choose to wave around the testimony of 1 bad german translation like you have just found the holy grail from some forum that most English speaking people cannot find, read or understand). So by your own standards, the statistics are NOT in your favor.
And in rereading some of your posts, then if you want some ice tests, plant tests, or otherwise tests, why don’t you do it yourself instead of harassing everyone for proof and belittling something you have no experience with?
Junior Member
Join Date: Jun 2010
Posts: 7 Default
Who has made it and says it doesn't work, you mean the one negative report from a bad translation from the German forum?
Who is gaining from plasterite? By gaining, do you mean selling? Who is selling plasterite, other than the person on the original German website?
So far, I don't know of anyone in the U.S. selling plasterite but then I have not looked very far. If you know, do tell.
Yes, people will enjoy. And, I guess the word "scam" is up to interpretation from a person who twists words and contradicts himself as you do. I won't argue that it doesn't work for you. Without your unprovoked attacks, of course everyone else will be free to enjoy plasterite regardless of whether you have decided that you cannot and will not.
Last edited by nepipemi; 05-07-2010 at 12:42 AM.
Old 05-07-2010, 07:27 PM #72
Join Date: Jan 2010
Posts: 67 Default
Originally Posted by princessofwands
I believe this is plasterite being sold as Orgonite Plus.
Princess this is not Plasterite, I do not and will not sell Plasterite, and to clear any confusion I am an Orgonite maker and have been for 8 or 9 years, I was an Orgonite Maker when EFF was in affect, when Don Croft came to my house in NC he ask me to join his new forum, and told him that I probably would not have time to spend on the internet since I was making so much Orgonite, at the time I was ordering resin in the 55 Gal drum,
And to further clear any doubts, I was the one on WM, in the beginning, who informed the folks how the Orgonite worked, at the time no one seems to have a clue.
I am not stuck in the "conventional" way of making Orgonite I have enough experience and knowledge of it to try unconventional mixtures, and get different results ,The "resin,metal,crystal;resin,metal,crystal" has become a mantra, but it is good enough for some; I rather go further and see what is on the other side of constipation
No two days will go by without me trying something new, I have found wonderful things and some no so wonderful, I also found some things will work for some folks, and the same thing will not for others, for instance the 15hz frequency will make some people not feel good at all, and it is good for some others
Now we all know about Orgonite, but there may be another mean of producing higher frequencies.......
So Zoma dear, how much Orgonite have you done, have you gifted 6 states and oceans and lakes and foreign lands? pray tell, and why would you not save all of your criticizing efforts and make something to help the cause of freedom, we are not here to fight each other (unless you have an agenda) we are here to pull on the same direction
So go make Orgonite, we heard you, if you need instructions to make devices I am certain you will find many on the internet
" Explorers are we, intrepid and boldOut in the wild amongst wonders untold."....Calvin and Hobbes
Thank you for listening
Last edited by lastc; 05-07-2010 at 09:53 PM.
Old 27-04-2011, 03:31 PM #165
Junior Member
Join Date: Apr 2011
Posts: 9 Default registration page
I can't find a registration page on this forum..don't know why.
would love to know more about lifepillow.
Josh emailed me! nice!
would love to join forum of old organite builders (now plasterite) ..."my own kind" hah!
Last edited by riajones
Tue Mar 24, 2015 4:19 am
What a great surprise ... appears Sunflower and Timo have been conspiring in the background ....
Received a parcel last week , just before my computer died ...all good now though .
Parcel was from Timo .... the German fellow who's been making plasterite forever .....inside was a beautiful cone and 5 little hearts.
Wow ... what a top shelf surprise ...... the cone stunning in it's simplicity.
Was difficult to put it down that first night.... the finish so smooth , shiny and energetic ...
the cone appears to have the perfect dimensions......would love a mould that shape for orgonite ....nice
Anyhows .... cheering you mob from Oz... .....appreciated for sure ....
Thanks ... Stephen
Wed Mar 25, 2015 9:54 pm
haha, yesssss... ah well, just a little treat as they say in was a little something , something on my mind, seeing connections seeing reasons seeing purpose
like a giant puzzle coming together , piece by piece , by honest work , I am really proud to have grown much bigger in awareness of so many things
thanks to this plaster orgonite and much much more, never thought it would go that far, really, there is more than just energy and blue skies etc, the whole scope of things grow larger alongside the person gradually.
Obviously it is not that easy , it is not nature or reality that is difficult it is us in a way , being so "molded" in our thinking etc
we can hardly catch on to it all, the truth is all around us, we just have a hard time digesting it all into manageable packages of understanding.
So yes, had a little chat and get the mother of all energy cones...we all know it is not always easy to do what is right, there are disadvantages from many sides but there are rewards also, it is a choice one must choose. Personally I am open to anything, I don't mind what folk use, but that sort of liberalism is not so common. I reap the rewards every day, I always say , it gets the job done, goals are being reached.
Although known and popular in healing circles, the general public is not ready for it as we know.
conspiring...hmmm.... hahah yes.......just a sign to show appreciation , won t hurt...
came as a surprise and it took a lot of guts to approach T personally with such a request...
but I thought if I dont do it now when I feel the need to do so, when will the time come to do so ?
Sometimes one has to rise to the occasion as they say and just go for it
Also very special or funny to notice he got me right away, understood it before I said anything
Make it happen and have no second thoughts if one knows it is the right thing to do.
even though we are usually to stubborn and modest for that sort of "red carpet " thing
we don't need much you know, that s the way we are, we don't need much of this world
Just a sign to show you are someone who doesn't just do the talk like most but also do the walk
and share information for others to learn, things that work, in all fields actually, as there is not so much of that sort of solid stuff floating around
anymore it has a high value.
Last week I had a doctor on visit, a young female doctor from the netherlands , just someone I know, to make a long story short the first thing
she mentioned later on to me, as I was just a bystander so to speak, where is the little cone with the seashells?
I thought, say what, yes that little cone it was special with sea shells and special things , so she felt the vibes, it was my Josh cone, a very special one
very strong, she simply bypassed the big cones completely , but it was gifted....
I tried to offer her one of your little phone buttons, you know, but she said hmmm hey ..I dont want that thing on my phone
it looks a bit odd, etc..but she accepted it anyway tried to explain things like EMR and the rest of it but she said she did not "believe" in that ...
I thought that was the end of it..... but later the wife said she saw her having put that thing on the pouch of her mobile before sleeping and keeps doing thatn every day she was here
even when she woke her up in the morning the purple phone button was there
so now she is in Amsterdam and that phone button keeps doing what it does best , to protect.
Every day
But she did not "believe " in it LOL
she just knows she feels better with that orgonite piece mitigating the nasty effects of her cell phone
yes she is one of those who keeps that thing on the nightstand
oh boy..
oh she knows and feels it works and all of that but it is not hard for someone who is academically eh..."abused" to admit to that sort of thing.
She admits she feels much better , but for those who wait for her to admit that publicly having anything to do with that purple metal resin goodie..well they have to wait a long time... has to be patient with them...give them time and don't force things
just the same with all those other things as plaster orgonite or life pillows etc etc
give them time
to find it out for themselves in their own pace
don't force it or they will go overboard and reject the whole thing altogether
so now she does not "believe" in life force energy but she guards the phone button like a mother hen....
These are all just simple real life stories one will encounter once on this path of interesting things and happenings.
Well, one way or another we have to keep the energy floating, making folk aware as most are so caught up in the "rat race" out there
Even or maybe because of being individuals we can do a lot , more than we ever thought of
Despite everything that is thrown at new techniques you also taught us to endure , hold ground and stick to facts
I know a lot of folk will never go online just because of that, the attacks,ridicule, political correctness etc
But we are some years further now and the results are solid and prove themselves
One must be altruistic, in the real sense, overcoming fear, anger, frustration of what s going on This is not something one can do after just waking up, it takes time before coming into bloom
to flourish Even though new knowledge and experimentation is going on with things like the life pillow etc
what a massive thing that is eh ??
hahaha it is wonderful it is also very powerful
I do admit I use too much of that mixtures
a cigarette box shaped size would be sufficient but I like it zoom a bit more just for personal entertainment hahahaa
just the breeze what a winner
I am sure there is a level of science not for the public that knows all this , I also think after some searching it is ancient knowledge
it is just not given to the "commoners" , yep that s us
I am aware there are more procedures to be used, different materials, stone mixture and what s called " Natron" what we call Salt
in certain quantities to create what the ancients called " energy stone" but all these ways tend to be more expensive or complicated so I just stick to the Plaster of Paris with the rest of it to gain similar results.
ah it is all out there for those who start searching for it
it is not mystery or magic or super secret, it is just hidden
like so many things beneficial to us
As the readers have noticed by now, we are not trying to force anybody into any opinion, we leave opinions to where they belong , to the individual.
Personally it would please me more to see if the Life Force Energy community, for lack of a better word, would cooperate more but that sort of thing is obviously not stimulated by the other forums out there
so be it
How most forums out there keep parroting the same mantra over and over again, or their leaderships that is to be more accurate.
If you pay even more attention you might see that those who dared to go there, to new techniques all met up finally on that orgonite plus forum eventually
as that simply was the only way to get the word out
avoiding collisions with business interests....
some prefer to stick to the old paradigm as it suits financial purpose
some dont
the main thing is , again, if you really want any truth , you have to find it , do it, yourself
let no one guide you or control you
yep, it s that simple
Agreed it was a difficult jump forward for most folk, into the unknown and not allowed but it works out superbly
so...there you go
most folk are trained to listen to experts nowadays, TV, etc
cannot reason anymore , expect the TV to do their reasoning for them
anyway it s not a scam ... besides that s the governments job , they are good at that
grabbing your money and flogging you into obedience , you know.. proper perceptions, the right ones...
here facts are presented
Junior Member
Join Date: Jun 2010
Posts: 7 Default
I believe a particularly good dowser posted the bovis tests of a plasterite piece or two on another forum, either WM or OP. Not sure which one and if the post is still there.
Since plasterite is not widespread, naturally testing reports are harder to come by but because I am still a human with a left brain, I would also love to see testing as well. Will it perform in the same tests as orgonite? Keep in mind, in the beginning, no one knew exactly how to test orgonite other than with psychic sensitivity. Positive physical effects in experiments came gradually as people tried different experiments.
Will plasterite get the same effects in tests as orgonite? Without knowing the answer, I already doubt it since they are two completely different things. That does not mean I believe one is "better" than the other or that one is good to replace the other. They each have their own set of strengths and I would not encourage anyone to turn their backs on one for the other. If a person carries a peice of dark green tourmaline for its inherent properties, I would not tell them to replace it with a piece of moldavite. BUT, if I liked moldavite, I would definitely tell them they should check it out sometime at their leisure.
In sensing energy, as I have come to learn, is not one size fits all. I mean that because I learned to be sensitive to the feeling of orgonite, does not necessarily mean that I am not sensitive to all energies of all things. Like, I know that all rocks, minerals, etc have an energy signature but because i personally cannot sense the energy of a piece of limestone, does not mean it is not there. Some people may have a strong resonance with the limestone vibration. I have noticed that when I cannot readily fee the energy of objects/light tools/crystals/etc, that if I keep trying and tuning in, and setting my intention to tune into it, then eventually I will learn to sense and feel the energy. It didn't mean it wasn't there, it means I was not resonating with it at first.
Grab yourself an electrical meter and hold it up to a piece of orgonite. See the electromagnetic field? Hold an electrical meter up to a piece of plasterite. What do you see? Let me guess - is it nothing?[/quote]
Are you serious? Can orgonite really be measured with an electrical device??? I have read over and over on WM that no one has been able to use any kind of electric meter device to measure orgone or orgonite (other than kirilian photography). Any special instructions? What type of meter? I would love to try this.
Things are speeding up, quickening, vibrations are raising, new technology comes on line all the time. We can be luddites (which I am myself one in regards to certain technolgies) or we can roll with the times continuing to explore, create, and try new things. With plasterite, it is cheap to make so if a person tries it and doesn't like it, they have not lost much money. Also, plaster will dissolve in water and is easily to carve so it can be deconstructed easily and the crystals salvaged, or can be recycled into an artistic sculpture. It is not as if anyone was encouraging the public to shave their heads and get tattoos all over their faces! Lighten up, it is ALL about love!!!!!!!!!::
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Antony 1965, I thank you with the research you are doing, and that had me concerned for a moment, so I took some of the older pieces I had made about eight month ago and tested the energies given by the devices, and I found them to be not only acceptable but quite strong, so I do not know what give, I am having someone else test those pieces, but it will take a bit more time for these results.
Are you aware of more people experiencing this problem?
One thing I must make clear, Plasterite is not Orgonite, it does not work in the same way, but produces similar results and more, and calling 'Plasterite the other Orgonite' might offend some cultish feelings, but cannot make an omelet without breaking some eggs.
At this point I have changed the formula for making the Plasterite and the readings are even more energetics, I know this is a very big threat to the Orgonite vendors that make a living with the Orgonite, since this Plasterite can be made so easily by anyone with hardly any expense, so I can well understand the push to discredit something that would collapse the means of having a business.
If you are sensitive to energy would you test something that has me and a few other folks concerned, it look like the energy of the Orgonite is going down, and I do not know what to think about it unless those nefarious parasites have found a way to slow it down, very concerned about this.
So Anthony, I appreciate your efforts to look into this, let us know if you find something else
Thanks a bunch
Last edited by lastc; 02-07-2010 at 06:18 PM.
Old 04-07-2010, 06:32 PM #66
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Quote from lordzoma:
“I have no need to provide proof to anyone else because I'm not attempting to prove anything. I am simply telling people the way it is based on my own experience and my own perspective. If someone else 'needs proof' of something, it is up to them to either find it or ignore their need for it to be able to make an alteration to their paradigm of belief. Proof is in personal experience. One man's word is proof alone.”
Yet you are asking for proof, are you not? And what is lastc, monsoon gecko, Tony, etc, giving you in their own testimony? They are giving you their “own experience and [their] own perspective”. If you need proof that plasterite feels good then it is “up to [you] to either find it or ignore [your] need for it to be able to make an alteration to [your] paradigm of belief….and I LOVE these quotes from you—“Proof is in personal experience” (but have YOU ever experienced plasterite up close and personal?), and “One man’s word is proof alone” (yet you ignore the word of 3 men who have posted on this forum and instead choose to wave around the testimony of 1 bad german translation like you have just found the holy grail from some forum that most English speaking people cannot find, read or understand). So by your own standards, the statistics are NOT in your favor.
And in rereading some of your posts, then if you want some ice tests, plant tests, or otherwise tests, why don’t you do it yourself instead of harassing everyone for proof and belittling something you have no experience with?
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Who has made it and says it doesn't work, you mean the one negative report from a bad translation from the German forum?
Who is gaining from plasterite? By gaining, do you mean selling? Who is selling plasterite, other than the person on the original German website?
So far, I don't know of anyone in the U.S. selling plasterite but then I have not looked very far. If you know, do tell.
Yes, people will enjoy. And, I guess the word "scam" is up to interpretation from a person who twists words and contradicts himself as you do. I won't argue that it doesn't work for you. Without your unprovoked attacks, of course everyone else will be free to enjoy plasterite regardless of whether you have decided that you cannot and will not.
Last edited by nepipemi; 05-07-2010 at 12:42 AM.
Old 05-07-2010, 07:27 PM #72
Join Date: Jan 2010
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Originally Posted by princessofwands
I believe this is plasterite being sold as Orgonite Plus.
Princess this is not Plasterite, I do not and will not sell Plasterite, and to clear any confusion I am an Orgonite maker and have been for 8 or 9 years, I was an Orgonite Maker when EFF was in affect, when Don Croft came to my house in NC he ask me to join his new forum, and told him that I probably would not have time to spend on the internet since I was making so much Orgonite, at the time I was ordering resin in the 55 Gal drum,
And to further clear any doubts, I was the one on WM, in the beginning, who informed the folks how the Orgonite worked, at the time no one seems to have a clue.
I am not stuck in the "conventional" way of making Orgonite I have enough experience and knowledge of it to try unconventional mixtures, and get different results ,The "resin,metal,crystal;resin,metal,crystal" has become a mantra, but it is good enough for some; I rather go further and see what is on the other side of constipation
No two days will go by without me trying something new, I have found wonderful things and some no so wonderful, I also found some things will work for some folks, and the same thing will not for others, for instance the 15hz frequency will make some people not feel good at all, and it is good for some others
Now we all know about Orgonite, but there may be another mean of producing higher frequencies.......
So Zoma dear, how much Orgonite have you done, have you gifted 6 states and oceans and lakes and foreign lands? pray tell, and why would you not save all of your criticizing efforts and make something to help the cause of freedom, we are not here to fight each other (unless you have an agenda) we are here to pull on the same direction
So go make Orgonite, we heard you, if you need instructions to make devices I am certain you will find many on the internet
" Explorers are we, intrepid and boldOut in the wild amongst wonders untold."....Calvin and Hobbes
Thank you for listening
Last edited by lastc; 05-07-2010 at 09:53 PM.
Old 27-04-2011, 03:31 PM #165
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I can't find a registration page on this forum..don't know why.
would love to know more about lifepillow.
Josh emailed me! nice!
would love to join forum of old organite builders (now plasterite) ..."my own kind" hah!
Last edited by riajones
- Posts: 110
- Joined: Wed May 22, 2024 1:41 pm
Re: The Irish Topic
Awesome ... yes indeed .. there were a lot of plasterite critics in those days... so set in their ways that they refused to even trial ... me , I like techniques that work., we had a blast ..ha ...............Timo's cone .. a treasure ..cheers