The Irish Topic

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Re: The Irish Topic

Unread post by sunflower »

Jenn, I will slow down on postings and stuff :) yes...I think I ve posted plenty so...once in a while I will pump something out , but in general it will become somewhat know...more in the background as most things that needed to be said have been said by now in my view at least on the forum here, most gifting is not reported anyway. Just examples. So newcomers can catch on...get it going
Thanks for all your contributions also to the other Irish rebels over there.
Totally politically incorrect, making Life Pillows, tools of light of all sorts, plasterite, broadcasters and the list goes on... and on...
even the neigborhood kids have fun with it, good work.
Keep the awareness raising coming , it is so important, not for most orgonite folk, we are not so good with crowds :)
But you are and you do a good job at it.
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Re: The Irish Topic

Unread post by sunflower »

Just had to tell you, I don't know did I send you a photo of the heavy, squat 4 sided obelisk we made last evening, got a reading from Alexander as follows: 'Do not know how you developed so fast. Have not read anything that high before. i am getting 333 BILLION bovis. Have not done range or anything but that is serouse. HUGS Alexander ' I know you poo pooh at Bovis but that seems to be SERIOUS as he says. Are you proud of us?

Yes you did send the photo of the beauty, I d say at least 333 billion :o ;)
massive piece , honestly , but wanted a second opinion before I start getting overexcited LOL
so you hear it from someone else
mouth fell open just seeing that construction
you really got it right with that one
but I was curious if others on FB and such things would catch on to it
and they did...good news
But even on the old forum once they started playing with it the life force scale went overboard pretty fast...hehehe
The best tools of light available and for free ...but most still wont touch it hahaha....shows us a lot doesn t it?
Proud of you ?
I am crazy proud of you all ;) ;)
big time big time...over time all the time...big work......yes, alexander is right .it is very serious indeed...I dont know why or how you developed so fast, it happens but it is very rare...have only seen a few do that, like Eric and OLG, to name a few, yes Dustsand too, the dutch guy....Most take longer, like me, to really grasp the whole magnitude of it all
it s one of the best pieces I ve ever seen
just as good as sand and sun s piece of the old forum, that s also a fabulous one

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Re: The Irish Topic

Unread post by sunflower »

Lady J , you do some awesome stuff over there, amazing, and I am not easily amazed nowadays, but it happens once every blue moon ;) :D
By the way as sales have been halted for the German model I took the opportunity to make a movie on how to make those energy cones, plasterite, as natural as can be.
I am pleased with it, so the techniques keeps moving forward, even on a grassroots level.
It s also posted under the Energy cone topic.
So you also went into the Life Pillow , the resin style, hmmm
that s ok...we wont ban you :lol: , actually we love it ...resin is adequate for certain purposes but , for me, it is not the breakthrough, selenite however is on a larger scale
for some pieces, like LP , pendants, etc resin is needed, as simple as that....Still plasterite is the way to the future...Simple facts no one really likes to hear...
Facts dont count nowadays... ;)
.But , seeing your energy work output , ah , actually it is your versatility that amazes me.
will post your stuff here it is so gorgeous
I like your natural touch to the resin Life Pillow
wow, some folk are actually making this thing, hmmm , good for you Jenn, good for the rest too.
Top pieces
You are too modest , they are very pretty, very pleasant

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Re: The Irish Topic

Unread post by jenny »

Bad decision taking them down from Youtube Sunflower....., good decision putting them back.

Vimeo wasn't so easy. Yes that 'ley line' suggestion could be the next 'Big Thing' getting shivers here thinking about how things are progressing - little ideas or suggestions surfacing, do we grab them and run with them, WE MUST, all this is synchronicity not random chance. It's reminding me of a fractal, starting with a tiny little whorl then spiraling out, maybe I'm being fanciful but I don't think so. I still think Social Media must play a part.
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Re: The Irish Topic

Unread post by jenny »

I'm feeling very excited. We can start here with Newgrange, the prehistoric tomb older than the pyramids, which is the centre of a huge energy portal that covers most of Ireland, this links to Skellig Michil in Kerry which has a huge amethyst at the centre, from Newgrange then links to St. Michaels Mount and Mont St. Michel and from there to the pyramids. Of course, there are surely huge energies moving there already, but if we can give themt a boost with the positive energies of selenite, who knows what will happen? I was already thinking of gifting to my favourite neighborhood tomb Fourknocks, that will have to be soon for sure.
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Re: The Irish Topic

Unread post by sunflower »

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Re: The Irish Topic

Unread post by jenny »

So cool Sunflower, thanks for the 'Place Mat' tip, though I never saw such a thing here, must be around somewhere.
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Re: The Irish Topic

Unread post by jenny »

Another of my 'Cute Little Child' stories - at lunchtime today I had a little chat with one of my 5 year old selenite heart pourers from last week. I asked her had she given one to her friend who was sitting beside her on the path. 'No', she said, I'm going to give one to my friend who's hurted her foot'. 'That's a great idea' I said. 'Yes', says she, 'I think that's the best thing to do, to give them to people if they have an injury'. I tend to agree with her :)
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Re: The Irish Topic

Unread post by jenny »

Good post and video. We're very lucky that in most places children can play around outside.
I'm feeling very happy, have another pourer Maurice posting a picture of his very first two cones, they are really great, hope you can add the picture sometime Sunflower.]
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Re: The Irish Topic

Unread post by sunflower »

I heard the new pourer was " groomed " by OLG himself oh la la.... what honour... ;) ;)
Yes , I even made him admin of the old club on facebook, after my eh...breakdown...LOL...well happens...
as we are in this uphill battle all the time and our stamina has limits when dealing with the public
at least mine has...but to my defense it were facebook people so I have to explain this or do we get the picture...
I hope he is doing great...Been there for half a year and not much happened
except unbelievable troll attacks that teared my first group down
within a couple of weeks...orgonized attacks, happens all the time, nothing new
they sneak in and if you dont watch your back for a minute they jump on ya
all at the same time...damage done....those were the days
folk from MIT coming in to investigate the selenite
of course they were not allowed
it is good he build up the group on FB again
I dont know if it s worthwhile, you know...facebook, social media, not the sort of public we are after eh ?
Popcorn folk I call them
maybe it s better OLG stays on FB LOL
before he does his alien thing again hehehe
oh boy...well nobody is perfect that s for sure
no exceptions there
hmm do they miss my rants yet, did some good ones there eh , remember those
lots of < crickets > there

after I left they suddenly all started doing plasterite LOL LOL
why did that had to take a year ????????

better late than never they say so true
I just could not keep up with the sheeple , it s just too much for me
for most folk who start to grow , a bit, it is unbearable
to deal with those still under the spell
Eric and OLG and some others there are more capable than me dealing with those newcomers
so the group is in good hands
one day it will all pay off
DustSand is there too, jee what drives all folk to FB, I wonder
dont get me started on that one
On the old forum we did not have that, the Josh healing club, no sheeple there
I know some of them vaguely , I wont call names, watch this place here
from a distance
that s ok
maybe they recommend it

Maybe if you see some nice selenite there or other advanced tools of light, just fork em over, we can put it up here
to promote it a bit without the usual BS one finds on most forums
I wont have BS in this forum
There is enough to go around for all on other "forums" if we can even call them that, propaganda subsidiaries
It s all about money and control
and they "fight the sytem" ah ..may I laugh please they are part of the system
ah the new pourer

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and my own sandy pieces...

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